
Happy Monday!

How about that weather today? We were stuck in our car for 20 minutes while it hailed! Cars were pulled over all around us as we travelled home from the school! Hope you all made it home safe.
Today we did some end of year assessments and I am happy to say that I am proud of my firsties! They did great. We did a writing assessment – they wrote letters to their Grade Two teachers. Some of them took it home for homework. They enjoyed writing the letters, but I enjoyed reading them more. I like to see what they did and did not like about grade one. Most of them LOVED science and could have done without journals!
We are wrapping up our stories about helping Wilbur escape. This was a REAL story writing process – two edits and then a final draft. They have been such troopers. I just wanted to get them ready for grade two writing. We are going to have an author’s chair where they read them to the class. It is going to be awesome!
In bible we learned about the crowd of 5000 and how the generosity of the little boy made way for a miracle to take place!). We read in Hebrews that sharing with others pleases God. This can be a tough one to carry out when you are 6 or 7 years old – especially with siblings! But we talked about how God needs us to do it most when we feel like it the least!
Tomorrow we are learning about photosynthesis and chlorophyll in plants – I have asked your kids to gather some leaves of various size and shapes so we can do chlorophyll rubbings.
Reminders: field trip forms are due back SOON!!! Money for sport day also due. You are still welcome to send a cultural snack to share with the class. Tomorrow is the high schools athletic awards at 7 pm :o)

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