I swear that sometimes I am not sure if I am coming or going. My week looks like this:
Monday: Meetings in the morning. Volleyball Practice after school. Pick up Chey from her practice. Home by 8:30. Help Abby/Asher with homework and get kids ready for tomorrow. Read and pray with them.
Tuesday: Girls need to be early for band/choir/student council. Volleyball practice after school. Pick up Chey. Home by 8:30. Help Abby/Asher with homework and get kids ready for tomorrow. Read and pray with them.
Wednesday: Devotions in the morning. Freedoms volleyball practice to 5. Volunteer at church in the evening. Home by 9.
Thursday: Girls need to be early for band/choir/student council. Freedoms practice to 5, then my team has volleyball practice after school. Pick up Chey. Home by 8:30. Help Abby/Asher with homework and get kids ready for tomorrow. Read and pray with them.
Friday: At least one of my kids or my grade 8 girls team has a tournament. Freedom has dance right after school.Girls have NURV at church.
Saturday: At least one of my kids or my grade 8 girls team has a tournament. This is get homework done in the evening day too. All shopping for classroom/groceries/projects needs to get done.
Sunday: Someone will volunteer at church - it depends on which weekend it is.
Somewhere in there we must get housework done, prepping, marking, spend time with Mr. Spouse and the little ones who miss me a lot. But, don't get me wrong - I love being busy. I think one of the best things you can do for your kids is keep them busy as well. My kids are in choir, vocal jazz, volunteer at least once a week somewhere, are on student council, play sports, Chey is even doing a distance ed chemistry. Are they busy - yes. Do they complain - sometimes. Do they enjoy being busy - yes. Is it good for their self esteem, intrinsic motivation, and keeping them in the mindset that they are here to be servant leaders - absolutely!
I just wanted to mention that I have added some more pages to my Place Values, Arrays, and Long Multiplication Unit. Some of my students needed some extra guidance so I made the pages and added them to the pack. I also added a few extra pages of questions so you can do a few more walkthroughs with the class. You can check it out in my TPT store here Place Value, Arrays, and Long Multiplication.
Volleyball season is upon us. In my household that equates with chaos. I coach the Grade 8 girls, my daughter Freedom is on the Grade 7 team and Cheyenne is varsity. We have a practice or tournament pretty much every day from now until the end of November. Sometimes more than one at a time. This weekend Grandma Nancy is taking Chey to her tournament because my team has their first tournament in Steinbach. I am excited! This is my first year coaching and the team of girls I have is making it a great year. On top of that I get to coach my daughter Zoe.
We have been super busy in 7A. We are learning all about ecosystems and populations right now. We are making ecosystems in a jar and watching the wetland ecosystem turn into a grasslands ecosystem throughout the unit. We have a such a wide variety of aquatic plants and soil types that we are able to observe several different speeds of succession taking place. It is very cool! The kids are working on their population projects - a poster or story that tells me all about the life of their population and how they interact with their living and non living environment. I have some amazing writers in my class, as well as some great writers. So far the work has been exceptional.
In math we are working on place value - this seems like an easy concept but few of the students have actually mastered it. If you do not understand the value of a number you cannot use it properly in addition, subtraction, division or multiplication. We are still making some very basic mistakes like forgetting to carry or ignoring a 0 where there should be one.
To work towards getting rid of this learning gap we are working with Arrays, Extended and compact versions of numbers before heading into long multiplication. We are also using our interactive math journals {inspired by Runde!}to explore place value. We used the Place Value Flippable by 4mulaFun and did our mathematical thinking on the adjacent page. We will be making numbers today and practicing saying them out loud and then writing them down. We are working in this book { to the left}and so far I can see some improvement in their conceptual understanding.
Running a Monthly Homework Club
I have taught a range of grades and
ages. There are some thing that have
worked well across the range, and some that do not translate up or down very
well. One of the few things that I have
carried with me in my teaching journey is a Monthly Homework Club. Like any other system you integrate into your
classrooms it has its ups and downs. It
is all related directly to how you run it and how you tailor it to each year’s
new batch of students.
The basics of my homework club include
A number system
that is simple to use, understand and utilize
Anchor poster
A monthly menu
that tells the students how they will celebrate being successful
A homework hand
in system that supports personal responsibility
A Personal
A Reward System
In my class I have a board that I created to hold my monthly
homework club. It includes the anchor
chart, the monthly menu and my numbering system. Each student has a number with velcro on the
back. If homework is handed in on time
then they keep it on the cookie sheet, if not they put it at the bottom of the
number assignment envelope and they are out of that months homework club.
Practice work is available on the desk and in the folder that will help them
work on whatever skills we are working on in class right now. Often this is
where I put problem solving practice sheets or reviews of addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division problems. These are basic skills all
students need to master. This work being made available as bell ringers, study
hall work, or Homework Morning work underscores the idea that homework club is
not just about doing homework to get a reward, but that the club is about our
students challenging themselves to grow as learners.
My homework handing in system involves me not accepting homework
from a student. I have heard one too
many “But I gave it to you last class,” to think that having one large hand in
pile is an effective way to store work that needs to be marked. I teach two Grade 7 classes so each class
gets a colored zipper envelope labeled with each class’s number that hangs
beneath my white board. They hand the
work into the labelled envelope and initial and date beside their name on the check
list on the back of the envelope. The
check list would have an assignment name and due date on it so they can find it
easily and if their work should go missing there would be a record of it. I
still do daily homework checks to make sure that students are not just signing
and dating beside their names.
I use this homework club to not only track homework but also to
motivate students to complete and hand in homework on time. As part of the
homework club I always attach two dates to homework – the date the homework is
due as a class, and then the date that I want the homework back if there are
corrections or edits that need to be done, which is of course handed out
individually. I always give students a chance to get a better grade and
complete things to the best of their ability. I never want to leave a student with the
impression that mediocre is okay. Later
in life that will translate to a “c’s get degrees attitude.” I want to teach
them to expect exceptional things themselves if they are willing to set goals
and work towards them. We all get to choose between what is easy and what is
I also like to offer a day a week called “Homework Morning” when
the students can come 30 to 40 minutes before school and ask me any questions
they need to about the homework due that week.
We understand as educators that our students won’t get it all, and that
their parents may not be able to help.
This extra 30 or 40 minutes can be grade changing for some
students. They go home, do what they can
and know that there is no pressure to finish what they do not know before
asking questions. Some of my better
students have come early to help their peers, and this tells me that I am on
the right track. Support and
encouragement from peers is important the successful running of the club. This
is also important because we know that a student’s zone of proximal development
expands during group work. Sometimes a
student can explain something differently than I would think to and that is
what creates a breakthrough in learning for a peer. I let all the students know ahead of time
that anyone not working effectively will be asked to leave homework morning
because it is important that we create a community that supports each other’s
efforts to succeed.
This morning time is also
important for those students who need time to get organized or struggle with
time management. Messy binders, sloppy
notes, pages that need to be recopied before being handed in can be tackled, or
a little extra studying time before a quiz for the busy kids can lower the
level of anxiety of those students who do not cope well with many tasks. I make clear at the beginning of the year
that I am here to help them in any way I can. Homework Club is not for a
teacher who is not dedicated to being available. It may be an open door time
during a prep, a lunch hour, or a half hour after school – whatever works best
for you will work best for them.
With this club
comes a lot of in class teaching that focuses on intrinsic versus extrinsic
motivation – doing well in order to feel good about ourselves rather than
simply for a reward. Being part of the homework club means encouraging each
other to do our best and understanding that homework is not a competition. Faster does not mean better. Getting things
in on time and done correctly is important and that means asking for help when
we need it. We need to know when we need help, when we have come to a concept
that we do not get, an idea we cannot compute, or a task that we don’t
understand. It happens to us all!
Homework Club is a community. A community cannot exist without a group of
people working together towards a common goal.
I have each student sign a contract at the beginning of the year that holds
each one of them responsible for their role as a support and encouragement in
the classroom community.
My role as a
teacher in the above mentioned area, in my eyes, is to make sure dates are
communicated clearly, written down, and accessible to parents as well as
students. On my blog I have a tab that
says “In class”. For each group I teach
I have those students update the homework they have due daily and a summary of
what we are learning. It would look like
September 16th 2013
We did a base ten review of place
value. In bible we talked about paradigms and how we see others. Math Review Due Tomorrow.
ELA – work on your Heart Map, it is due Monday September 21
On top of these
reminders I would write them on the board so they can record them in their
agendas. Students who master organizing their time and their work are much
better students.
A few things I have learned the hard way when
trying to implement this program; do not only offer rewards that can be
eaten. We do not want to equate success
and rewarding for hard work with eating – this can lead to problems with eating
habits later in life. Second, be
strict. Do not give an inch when it
comes to the work being handed in on time AND the way you want it handed
in. You are not doing yourself a favor –
if you give an inch they will try to take a mile. In trying to instill self-responsibility into
our students we do not want to undermine our own teaching or look like you are
playing favorites. Third, kids love lights, sounds, and excitement. If you want the kids to care about homework
club – you have to care about homework club. You are the defining element in
whether the homework club is attractive and motivating or just one more thing
you are asking your students to get through.
Hype it up!
To get started with your own homework club download
this freebie or check out the full product.
Erica Hildebrand is currently a grade 7 teachers at Springs Christian Academy in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She has previous experience in Grades 1 through 5. She is also a teacher author on Teachers Pay Teachers and creates purposeful and hands on resources for grade 1 through 8! She has 5 kids - four girls and a boy - and has been happily married for almost 15 years.
Erica Hildebrand is currently a grade 7 teachers at Springs Christian Academy in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She has previous experience in Grades 1 through 5. She is also a teacher author on Teachers Pay Teachers and creates purposeful and hands on resources for grade 1 through 8! She has 5 kids - four girls and a boy - and has been happily married for almost 15 years.
It's my birthday so let us celebrate with a very simple contest...
Today I am the ripe old age of 33. I have a touch of the flu so I feel 65!!
I am feeling rather generous so I will give away three products from my store to three lucky winners.
How do you win? Simple.
Visit my TPT store http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Mrshildebrand
Find something you would like to have.
Pin it.
Comment below with the URL of your pin.
A random generator will choose 3 lucky winners.
You can get a second entry by sharing the news about this birthday giveaway on any social media and also posting that URL in a separate comment below.
Good luck!
I am feeling rather generous so I will give away three products from my store to three lucky winners.
How do you win? Simple.
Visit my TPT store http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Mrshildebrand
Find something you would like to have.
Pin it.
Comment below with the URL of your pin.
A random generator will choose 3 lucky winners.
You can get a second entry by sharing the news about this birthday giveaway on any social media and also posting that URL in a separate comment below.
Good luck!
Guest of honor..Who.. me??
This week I am the guest of honor over at the blog Always a Teacher and Forever a Mom. Catia has a great blog - if you are looking for a place to learn about hobbies and crafts {she is an amazing cross-stitcher} want to read about the game of stretch, see some amazing baked creations, take in some great organization tips or just read all about me and why I am a teacher check it out!! Leave some feedback!
It's going....
This week was our first full week back at school. Teaching grade 7 is a lot of fun! I have a great class. The only complaint I have is that my feet
hurt! I am not sure if the floor is
different or my shoes are bad – but they hurt!
We have started teaching the curriculum now, which means ice
breakers and All About Me are winding down.
It is a lot of fun to get to know the students in the first few weeks of
school. This year I am extra lucky – my middle
daughter is in my classroom and I know most of the kids quite well since they
are all friends. I also got luck and
teach older sibling of few of my Grade 1s last year so a few of the families
are familiar. To top that off they were
my classes reading buddies last year!
I am ACTUALLY enjoying math.
Anyone who knows me knows that this is what scared me the most. Not that I could not do the math, but that I
would not be able to teach to a room of eager young minds. When I grew up we just memorized the
algorithm and were done with it. If you
did not get the algorithm you were in TROUBLE.
I am glad that is not the case anymore.
It also helps that I know that our principal used to teach Grade 7 Math
and is only around the corner from me most of the time if I need a witty idea
or strategy. Thank God for Professional
Development and Mrs.
Struggling with math in school means that I can relate to the
kids in my class who don’t get it and I think this makes me a better teacher. I
have to find several ways to teach in order to do a good job of covering the
material and in the process am able to teach to a room of diverse
learners. We both win. I also find that
putting the outcomes up at the front of that class an explaining WHY we are
doing something makes them a little more willing to input themselves into what
we are doing.
I adore teaching science.
This was the part of my teaching that my Grade 1s loved most last
year. Grade 7 is not very different. They
are all excited about the experiments. I
am trying to make learning very accessible and interactive so that even the “mundane”
book work becomes exciting and looked forward to. Right now we are studying Ecosystems. We have only begun to scratch the surface of
learning – we have just started looking at what we already know about
ecosystems; what defines an ecosystem, what biotic and abiotic are and how things
in an ecosystem interact with eachother.
This is the song we used as part of our lesson today. Mr. Parr has tons of great science songs that
I cannot wait to use!
We are supplementing our learning with the Ecosystems unit
by Classroom Complete Press. You can
preview it here { http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Ecosystems-Gr-5-8-447083
} if you are interested. It covers all
the major topics we cover in the curriculum. I am supplementing it with
activities and worksheets I am making myself.
We will working on a small group project soon so they are excited about
that. I will post some pictures of what
we are doing. If all goes well we will
be trying to make a short stop motion film about our project. Pray we are blessed!
In Bible we are learning about becoming effective teens who
do not accept the low expectations that society places on them. We are learning to do hard things and know
that with God we can do anything. We
talked about habits today and how simple habits can set us up for failure or
success. This lead to some pretty heavy
discussions and I was surprised that we were already talking about some of
those hard topics that we know they will face out in the world. I am very pumped about this unit – we are
going to be doing some very challenging things an I am glad that they are also
excited about pushing themselves.
Anyways, I should go and prep for Friday. I have a sub since I am going to a volleyball coaching
clinic. I am coaching Grade 8 girls this
year. It is going to be AWESOME!
Just a quick note that I have uploaded part of the review unit I am doing with my Grade 7s. You can view it here { http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Place-Value-Arrays-and-Long-Multiplication-865049 } It is called Place Value, Arrays and Long Multiplication.
Just a quick note that I have uploaded part of the review unit I am doing with my Grade 7s. You can view it here { http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Place-Value-Arrays-and-Long-Multiplication-865049 } It is called Place Value, Arrays and Long Multiplication.
Yesterday was the first day back at school with the kids. I got great bunch of Grade 7's, including my
middle daughter :o). Seriously, am I the only one who feels like first day always flies by? We barely had time to do lockers, cubbies, binders and play a few games.
Both of my grade 7 classes LOVED the icebreakers. We played Who am I? Guess Who and did the fishbowl activity! You can take a peek at them here in my TPT store. It is one of my best sellers right now.
Everyone commented on my classroom - I guess you can take the primary teacher out of the school but not out of the teacher. I moved up to the Grade 7's from a Grade 1 last year. I think - well, I know that mine is the only one with an owl clock and zebra print borders on everything. I even made a "bench" out of the bin storage shelf. I had *fun* decorating this year. The decorating was not only pretty - but functional. I believe in everything having a place. Organization is a teachers best friend! Personally I cannot wait until next year to add more!
Each class has a portion of the board for homework, the bags at the bottom of the board are for homework. The assignment goes in a page protector on the front and when the kids put it into the bag they sign and date a sheet on the back so it is on record. I never take homework from them. My bellringers board is Sudoku right now, something simple they can do when they come in to get them working and not visiting. The pictures on the board behind my desk are all part of our bible units. I am excite to get my bulletin boards up next week! Ecosystems, base ten place value review, Back to the Basics {love God, love others} and ALL About ME {yearly goals}. The blue and green cavases at the front are for the outcomes in math and science that we are focusing on. I printed and laminated them!
I also completed another one of my {Friday Fun Series} activities - layering liquids. My Grade Ones last year loved it. It focuses on observation, predication, and conclusions. It also teaches about density and how density affects liquids. It includes two experiments - lava lamps and the layered liquids rainbow activity. Check it out here.
middle daughter :o). Seriously, am I the only one who feels like first day always flies by? We barely had time to do lockers, cubbies, binders and play a few games.
Each class has a portion of the board for homework, the bags at the bottom of the board are for homework. The assignment goes in a page protector on the front and when the kids put it into the bag they sign and date a sheet on the back so it is on record. I never take homework from them. My bellringers board is Sudoku right now, something simple they can do when they come in to get them working and not visiting. The pictures on the board behind my desk are all part of our bible units. I am excite to get my bulletin boards up next week! Ecosystems, base ten place value review, Back to the Basics {love God, love others} and ALL About ME {yearly goals}. The blue and green cavases at the front are for the outcomes in math and science that we are focusing on. I printed and laminated them!
I also completed another one of my {Friday Fun Series} activities - layering liquids. My Grade Ones last year loved it. It focuses on observation, predication, and conclusions. It also teaches about density and how density affects liquids. It includes two experiments - lava lamps and the layered liquids rainbow activity. Check it out here.
Another giveaway..yes please!
You can grab up some great goodies in this 50 follower giveaway over at Looney's Lit Blog ! {Including winners choice from my TPT store!} Check it out here !
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