We are going through something that is unprecedented in most of our lives. School is cancelled "indefinitely" in Manitoba, but that doesn't mean learning is cancelled. Teachers, students and parents have adapted so far and we will continue to adapt as time goes on. I am just missing those little faces SO MUCH!
For now, until we know exactly how we are moving forward at Frontier School Division and specifically at Black River, I will be using this blog as my primary means of contact, to share resources etc.
My email is erica.hildebrand@fsdnet.ca, if you have any questions or need help with the learning packets that were sent home please drop me a line!!
Miss H
Whats up? Everything it feels like!
I always promise myself that (insert hand raised to side) I am going to blog often, make new products daily, have some witty story to tell in a very eloquent manner and be active on social media.
Life has a different way of unfolding itself around about me. It seems as though even a shower cannot be had without multi-tasking and trying to wash the bathroom, and dictate messages to my ziplocked phone while I am showering. I am sure my backside is shaped like the car seat, and since my daughter drives every where now I manage to do a little social media and marking in the car.
Over the summer during my "leisure tie I prepped the first 1/3 of my year. Yup - September to December laid out in all my classes, bindered or bagged, sticky noted directions, cut, laminated, photocopied and in bins. I coach volleyball during this time and several of my own kids play the sport so this is a necessity. However, it spoiled me. No "night before" prepping for several months is something a girl can get used to. My nights now are filled with binders, booklets, and my computer as I try to live up to my own high expectations. And maybe grab a few hours of sleep and keep up on marking! BUT - I love being a Mom, I love being a teacher, and I love being involved at church, and I love coaching. So I wouldn't really change a thing (other than guaranteeing teachers a 250% raise for all the hard work and love we pour into our jobs!)
That being said - highlight of my "school" life was my To Mine or Not to Mine Role Play Scenario! This was part of my latest addition to my store - Minerals, Mining, and the Environment .
This resource starts off by providing student handouts that provide basic information on minerals and mining. The handouts also discuss and compare surface and underground mining; who, what , where, when and why and their environmental implications. There is a set of review questions to complete with the handouts. There are links to a ton of great resources, videos, and diagrams included to supplement the lesson.
The second part of this resource is one of my favorite things to do with my class. It is a scenario role play.
"We are residents of a small town of just over 500 people. The economy of our town is faltering and there is a high rate of unemployment. Our town – Pleasant, has recently been the site of geological exploration and a deposit of mineral was discovered. The deposit is near the surface so the company that owns the land where the deposit was found wants to build a strip mine. The strip mine would be located where a popular hiking and picnicking area is located.
We understand that the project will provide jobs for residents so we welcome the development of the mine. However, there is some concern about the state of the land after the mine eventually closes. Many of the townspeople want the company to take accountability for the mines reclamation and land restoration.
The mineral deposit that is located near the town is not highly valuable right now. The mine will not be a profitable undertaking if the company has to pay for the reclamation, as such the company can’t agree to restore the land. However, like most resources, the world market may change and in the future the deposit could become much more profitable."
In our role play scenario each student gets a role; from the CEO or the Publics Relations officer of the Mining company, to a single stay at home mom, a local garage owner, geologist, politician running from re-election and so on. They each prepare a report using the brainstorming sheets and guidelines to present in character at the "Town Meeting". They must decide to support the opening and the subsidy, or to vote to wait and not support the opening at this time.
This is an opportunity to get your students thinking critically, applying knowledge and understanding in a real and relevant way, and to work on their persuasive writing and debating skills.
This is the one activity that all of my students look forward to and go all out preparing for. In total it takes about 10 days to prepare (1 45 minute class each day) and present. They come dressed in character and we invite other staff members to listen and even vote if there is time.
The presentations were amazing - they had some amazing research and brought up a ton of relevant points that I had not even considered! The debates were great - tons of meaningful questions, well thought answers, and back and forth that showed a great deal of critical reflection. Very few of my students did not over prepare and take their roles very seriously. I was SUPER proud of them!
If you are interested in winning a copy of this product leave a comment below and one lucky person will a special email after this weekend!!
Life has a different way of unfolding itself around about me. It seems as though even a shower cannot be had without multi-tasking and trying to wash the bathroom, and dictate messages to my ziplocked phone while I am showering. I am sure my backside is shaped like the car seat, and since my daughter drives every where now I manage to do a little social media and marking in the car.
Over the summer during my "leisure tie I prepped the first 1/3 of my year. Yup - September to December laid out in all my classes, bindered or bagged, sticky noted directions, cut, laminated, photocopied and in bins. I coach volleyball during this time and several of my own kids play the sport so this is a necessity. However, it spoiled me. No "night before" prepping for several months is something a girl can get used to. My nights now are filled with binders, booklets, and my computer as I try to live up to my own high expectations. And maybe grab a few hours of sleep and keep up on marking! BUT - I love being a Mom, I love being a teacher, and I love being involved at church, and I love coaching. So I wouldn't really change a thing (other than guaranteeing teachers a 250% raise for all the hard work and love we pour into our jobs!)
That being said - highlight of my "school" life was my To Mine or Not to Mine Role Play Scenario! This was part of my latest addition to my store - Minerals, Mining, and the Environment .
This resource starts off by providing student handouts that provide basic information on minerals and mining. The handouts also discuss and compare surface and underground mining; who, what , where, when and why and their environmental implications. There is a set of review questions to complete with the handouts. There are links to a ton of great resources, videos, and diagrams included to supplement the lesson.
The second part of this resource is one of my favorite things to do with my class. It is a scenario role play.
"We are residents of a small town of just over 500 people. The economy of our town is faltering and there is a high rate of unemployment. Our town – Pleasant, has recently been the site of geological exploration and a deposit of mineral was discovered. The deposit is near the surface so the company that owns the land where the deposit was found wants to build a strip mine. The strip mine would be located where a popular hiking and picnicking area is located.
We understand that the project will provide jobs for residents so we welcome the development of the mine. However, there is some concern about the state of the land after the mine eventually closes. Many of the townspeople want the company to take accountability for the mines reclamation and land restoration.
The mineral deposit that is located near the town is not highly valuable right now. The mine will not be a profitable undertaking if the company has to pay for the reclamation, as such the company can’t agree to restore the land. However, like most resources, the world market may change and in the future the deposit could become much more profitable."
In our role play scenario each student gets a role; from the CEO or the Publics Relations officer of the Mining company, to a single stay at home mom, a local garage owner, geologist, politician running from re-election and so on. They each prepare a report using the brainstorming sheets and guidelines to present in character at the "Town Meeting". They must decide to support the opening and the subsidy, or to vote to wait and not support the opening at this time.
This is an opportunity to get your students thinking critically, applying knowledge and understanding in a real and relevant way, and to work on their persuasive writing and debating skills.
This is the one activity that all of my students look forward to and go all out preparing for. In total it takes about 10 days to prepare (1 45 minute class each day) and present. They come dressed in character and we invite other staff members to listen and even vote if there is time.
The presentations were amazing - they had some amazing research and brought up a ton of relevant points that I had not even considered! The debates were great - tons of meaningful questions, well thought answers, and back and forth that showed a great deal of critical reflection. Very few of my students did not over prepare and take their roles very seriously. I was SUPER proud of them!
If you are interested in winning a copy of this product leave a comment below and one lucky person will a special email after this weekend!!
New resources to prove I have not died!
Have I been busy - totally. In the last few weeks my little man turned 7, I celebrated my 15 year wedding anniversary, cleaned a bunch of closets, moved my kids rooms and - mommed. Mommed should be a word, like "ran". Ran tells me you were running. Mommed implied cooking, cleaning, reading, washing, braiding, comforting, driving, shopping...you know, Mom stuff.
We had a very chill Christmas break - lots of just being lazy, read the Mortal Instrument series again, played a lot of hours of Minecraft and Advanced Warfare with my children, and enjoyed the down time. I corrected NOTHING for the first holiday ever! We got Zoe One Direction tickets for July and me and Cheyenne are going to see Black Veil Brides for her 18th birthday. Online shopping for Christmas gifts FTW!! Freedom got a bunch of Walking Dead and cow goodies. Abby got Frozen everything and Asher video games, Lego, and Minecraft. I enjoyed the time with my family immensely and thank God that I have a job that allows me the time to be with them and make so many amazing memories. If only it had been a little more snowy and a little bit warmer.....
I also took the time to work on completing two products I have been using in my class for some time now. The first is my Math Challenges: Problem of the Week, or POTW as I refer to them. Problem of the Week is all about challenging our students to use their higher order thinking skills and make meaningful inferences and connections with strategies and calculation methods they already have. The emphasis is on HOW we get an answer not only on getting the right answer. It is all abut their critical thinking!
50 Problems of the Week are included; Logic problems, brain busters, Sudoku, word problems, number sense challenges and more! As well I have included all applicable answer keys, bulletin board lettering and teaching suggestions. This resource can be used as a weekly challenge, bell ringer activity, early finisher activity, or math center.
This is something that I will forever use in my classroom because I know it works and I have first hand seen the payoff the investment into critical thinking makes on their ability to tackle word problems and other math challenges with confidence!
The second product is one I am actually using RIGHT NOW with both my grade 7 science classes. It is the Minerals, Mining and The Environment resource.
This resource starts off by providing student handouts that provide basic information on minerals and mining. The handouts also discuss and compare surface and underground mining; who, what , where, when and why and their environmental implications. There is a set of review questions to complete with the handouts. There are links to a ton of great resources, videos, and diagrams included to supplement the lesson.
The second part of this resource is one of my favorite things to do with my class. It is a scenario role play.
We understand that the project will provide jobs for residents so we welcome the development of the mine. However, there is some concern about the state of the land after the mine eventually closes. Many of the townspeople want the company to take accountability for the mines reclamation and land restoration.
The mineral deposit that is located near the town is not highly valuable right now. The mine will not be a profitable undertaking if the company has to pay for the reclamation, as such the company can’t agree to restore the land. However, like most resources, the world market may change and in the future the deposit could become much more profitable."
In our role play scenario each student gets a role; from the CEO or the Publics Relations officer of the Mining company, to a single stay at home mom, a local garage owner, geologist, politician running from re-election and so on. They each prepare a report using the brainstorming sheets and guidelines to present in character at the "Town Meeting". They must decide to support the opening and the subsidy, or to vote to wait and not support the opening at this time.
This is an opportunity to get your students thinking critically, applying knowledge and understanding in a real and relevant way, and to work on their persuasive writing and debating skills.
This is the one activity that all of my students look forward to and go all out preparing for. In total it takes about 10 days to prepare (1 45 minute class each day) and present. They come dressed in character and we invite other staff members to listen and even vote.
"We are residents of a small town of just over 500 people. The economy of our town is faltering and there is a high rate of unemployment. Our town – Pleasant, has recently been the site of geological exploration and a deposit of mineral was discovered. The deposit is near the surface so the company that owns the land where the deposit was found wants to build a strip mine. The strip mine would be located where a popular hiking and picnicking area is located.
If either of these resources appeals to you make sure to stop by my TPT store and check them out a little more.
We had a very chill Christmas break - lots of just being lazy, read the Mortal Instrument series again, played a lot of hours of Minecraft and Advanced Warfare with my children, and enjoyed the down time. I corrected NOTHING for the first holiday ever! We got Zoe One Direction tickets for July and me and Cheyenne are going to see Black Veil Brides for her 18th birthday. Online shopping for Christmas gifts FTW!! Freedom got a bunch of Walking Dead and cow goodies. Abby got Frozen everything and Asher video games, Lego, and Minecraft. I enjoyed the time with my family immensely and thank God that I have a job that allows me the time to be with them and make so many amazing memories. If only it had been a little more snowy and a little bit warmer.....
I also took the time to work on completing two products I have been using in my class for some time now. The first is my Math Challenges: Problem of the Week, or POTW as I refer to them. Problem of the Week is all about challenging our students to use their higher order thinking skills and make meaningful inferences and connections with strategies and calculation methods they already have. The emphasis is on HOW we get an answer not only on getting the right answer. It is all abut their critical thinking!
50 Problems of the Week are included; Logic problems, brain busters, Sudoku, word problems, number sense challenges and more! As well I have included all applicable answer keys, bulletin board lettering and teaching suggestions. This resource can be used as a weekly challenge, bell ringer activity, early finisher activity, or math center.
This is something that I will forever use in my classroom because I know it works and I have first hand seen the payoff the investment into critical thinking makes on their ability to tackle word problems and other math challenges with confidence!
The second product is one I am actually using RIGHT NOW with both my grade 7 science classes. It is the Minerals, Mining and The Environment resource.
This resource starts off by providing student handouts that provide basic information on minerals and mining. The handouts also discuss and compare surface and underground mining; who, what , where, when and why and their environmental implications. There is a set of review questions to complete with the handouts. There are links to a ton of great resources, videos, and diagrams included to supplement the lesson.
The second part of this resource is one of my favorite things to do with my class. It is a scenario role play.
We understand that the project will provide jobs for residents so we welcome the development of the mine. However, there is some concern about the state of the land after the mine eventually closes. Many of the townspeople want the company to take accountability for the mines reclamation and land restoration.
The mineral deposit that is located near the town is not highly valuable right now. The mine will not be a profitable undertaking if the company has to pay for the reclamation, as such the company can’t agree to restore the land. However, like most resources, the world market may change and in the future the deposit could become much more profitable."
In our role play scenario each student gets a role; from the CEO or the Publics Relations officer of the Mining company, to a single stay at home mom, a local garage owner, geologist, politician running from re-election and so on. They each prepare a report using the brainstorming sheets and guidelines to present in character at the "Town Meeting". They must decide to support the opening and the subsidy, or to vote to wait and not support the opening at this time.
This is an opportunity to get your students thinking critically, applying knowledge and understanding in a real and relevant way, and to work on their persuasive writing and debating skills.
This is the one activity that all of my students look forward to and go all out preparing for. In total it takes about 10 days to prepare (1 45 minute class each day) and present. They come dressed in character and we invite other staff members to listen and even vote.
"We are residents of a small town of just over 500 people. The economy of our town is faltering and there is a high rate of unemployment. Our town – Pleasant, has recently been the site of geological exploration and a deposit of mineral was discovered. The deposit is near the surface so the company that owns the land where the deposit was found wants to build a strip mine. The strip mine would be located where a popular hiking and picnicking area is located.
If either of these resources appeals to you make sure to stop by my TPT store and check them out a little more.
Over at TPT we are celebrating the holiday season with some great deals on thousands upon thousands of amazing resources created by the most amazing people - teachers!!!
Save on EVERYTHING on Dec 1 & 2!
Use promo code TPTCYBER for 28% off everything in my store - Grade 7 Heaven !! Plus keep an eye out for special deals hidden in the seasonal resources!
Fill your cart! Sale is ON Monday Dec 1, 12:01 a.m. ET through Tuesday Dec 2, 11:59 p.m. ET
You must enter promo code: TPTCYBER when you check out to save! Been checking something out for awhile and hesitant to commit - now is the time!!!
I cannot wait to fill my cart after work today! Happy Shopping!
Long time no see, er read. and VOLLEYBALL is almost over.
For a brief period of time from October to the end of November my life becomes a blur of tournaments, practices and games. I coach Grade8 girls volleyball. Throw in five kids, a full time job, my TPT, and the occasional few hours of sleep and you get..one lousy blogger!
As I pointed out in earlier posts I live in Winnipeg, MB Canada. People affectionately (or not so affectionately as it were) refer to it as Winterpeg. In Winnipeg we already have that "festive dusting" of snow that we carry 8 months a year, 9 if Mother Nature prolongs her return like last year and there is still snow in June. To celebrate my return to the cyber world I am offering 3 seasonal markdowns for early years and a great deal for middle years teachers.
My Gingerbread Literacy Mega Pack is on sale for $3.00 from $5.75. This Gingerbread Literacy Mega Pack is chalked full of great activities that can be used with many of the different Gingerbread books (gingerbread Man, gingerbread baby, gingerbread girl, gingerbread friends, gingerbread cowboy etc.). This package is beautifully full color and full of gingerbread book related goodies.
It includes:
• Alphabetical word sort with gingerbread cookie cards
• Venn diagram comparing two different gingerbread stories
• If I were a gingerbread baby writing prompt and lined paper
• Another ending to the story writing prompt and lined paper
• 5 senses Gingerbread Cookie exploration
• Describing Words graphic organizer
• My favorite gingerbread story writing prompt and lined paper
• Beginning, middle, and end story sequencing worksheet
• Story re-tell
• Story elements
• Punctuation practice sheets
• Full page themed and colorful Punctuation Posters as well as a Write a Good Sentence poster
• Three personally written gingerbread themed poems
• Fill in the missing vowel practice sheet
• Inference, text to self, text to text, and evaluation questioning cards
• Gingerbread baking sequencing cut and paste
• Gingerbread recipe cards
My Gingerbread Punctuation is 50% off at only $1.75. Gingerbread punctuation is set of whole class lessons or centers. It is chalked full of colorful, fun, yet AWESOME learning activities.
Included are:
• Roll Your punctuation: punctuation dice and recording sheet (can be used as assessment)
• Write your own sentence using punctuation prompts (laminate and use dry erase markers as a center tub)
• Center cards to guide students or punctuation mini posters
• Comma Practice assessment sheet
• Punctuation Practice assessment sheet
• Gingerbread Punctuation Pal Craftivity
• Center work: punctuation mix and match game: 10 center cards and a sheet of punctuation pieces and recording sheet
and last but not least for a limited time only my Gingerbread Math Activities is only $1.00.
As I pointed out in earlier posts I live in Winnipeg, MB Canada. People affectionately (or not so affectionately as it were) refer to it as Winterpeg. In Winnipeg we already have that "festive dusting" of snow that we carry 8 months a year, 9 if Mother Nature prolongs her return like last year and there is still snow in June. To celebrate my return to the cyber world I am offering 3 seasonal markdowns for early years and a great deal for middle years teachers.
My Gingerbread Literacy Mega Pack is on sale for $3.00 from $5.75. This Gingerbread Literacy Mega Pack is chalked full of great activities that can be used with many of the different Gingerbread books (gingerbread Man, gingerbread baby, gingerbread girl, gingerbread friends, gingerbread cowboy etc.). This package is beautifully full color and full of gingerbread book related goodies.
It includes:
• Alphabetical word sort with gingerbread cookie cards
• Venn diagram comparing two different gingerbread stories
• If I were a gingerbread baby writing prompt and lined paper
• Another ending to the story writing prompt and lined paper
• 5 senses Gingerbread Cookie exploration
• Describing Words graphic organizer
• My favorite gingerbread story writing prompt and lined paper
• Beginning, middle, and end story sequencing worksheet
• Story re-tell
• Story elements
• Punctuation practice sheets
• Full page themed and colorful Punctuation Posters as well as a Write a Good Sentence poster
• Three personally written gingerbread themed poems
• Fill in the missing vowel practice sheet
• Inference, text to self, text to text, and evaluation questioning cards
• Gingerbread baking sequencing cut and paste
• Gingerbread recipe cards
My Gingerbread Punctuation is 50% off at only $1.75. Gingerbread punctuation is set of whole class lessons or centers. It is chalked full of colorful, fun, yet AWESOME learning activities.
Included are:
• Roll Your punctuation: punctuation dice and recording sheet (can be used as assessment)
• Write your own sentence using punctuation prompts (laminate and use dry erase markers as a center tub)
• Center cards to guide students or punctuation mini posters
• Comma Practice assessment sheet
• Punctuation Practice assessment sheet
• Gingerbread Punctuation Pal Craftivity
• Center work: punctuation mix and match game: 10 center cards and a sheet of punctuation pieces and recording sheet
and last but not least for a limited time only my Gingerbread Math Activities is only $1.00.
This pack includes:
• Gingerbread Man themed number sequence to 30 – one with benchmarks and one without to allow for adaptations.
• Roll a gingerbread, a following directions activity.
• One or Two More than or Less than gingerbread man activity
• Pictorial expression activity with writing number sentence practice.
• Gingerbread measuring activity with printable rulers
• Gingerbread Man themed number sequence to 30 – one with benchmarks and one without to allow for adaptations.
• Roll a gingerbread, a following directions activity.
• One or Two More than or Less than gingerbread man activity
• Pictorial expression activity with writing number sentence practice.
• Gingerbread measuring activity with printable rulers
This was one of my Grade Ones favorite activities!
Now for the MIDDLE YEARS teachers... I have just started my new unit this week - The Earth's Crust. It is 50% off this week only for $3.00. Being a geology major this is half of my favorite unit I get to teach. The 34 page student use pack covers the composition of the earth, its layers, rock and mineral properties, classifications, and uses, the rock cycle, mining, mineral deposits, soil formation and profiles, as well as a 2 possible extending learning projects.
The student use pack includes:
• Brainstorming sheet
• Worksheets and links for two Bill Nye Videos
• Vocabulary Group Project
• Hands on activities like Rock Cycle Fudge, Properties of
Minerals Stations, and Mining Chocolate Chips
• Diagrams, worksheets, information pages
• Rock cycle sentence strip and poster project
• Property Word Search
• Crossword Puzzle Assignment
• Extension Assignments and Activities like design your
own cookie mining invention, create your own cross
word, etc.
As well as a 37 page teacher resource pack with answer keys, teaching suggestions and important links, images, instructions, scripture verses for biblical integration, vocab sheets, as well as a quiz, adapted quiz and answer keys.
Works well with Hands on Science or Nelson Science and Technology 7. However, relevant information is provided in the booklets so they are not necessary. Resources are referred to as "extending learning" activities should you wish to include them.
The student use pack includes:
• Brainstorming sheet
• Worksheets and links for two Bill Nye Videos
• Vocabulary Group Project
• Hands on activities like Rock Cycle Fudge, Properties of
Minerals Stations, and Mining Chocolate Chips
• Diagrams, worksheets, information pages
• Rock cycle sentence strip and poster project
• Property Word Search
• Crossword Puzzle Assignment
• Extension Assignments and Activities like design your
own cookie mining invention, create your own cross
word, etc.
As well as a 37 page teacher resource pack with answer keys, teaching suggestions and important links, images, instructions, scripture verses for biblical integration, vocab sheets, as well as a quiz, adapted quiz and answer keys.
Works well with Hands on Science or Nelson Science and Technology 7. However, relevant information is provided in the booklets so they are not necessary. Resources are referred to as "extending learning" activities should you wish to include them.
Over the next few weeks I will be sharing some of my favorite classroom activities that tie into the Earth Sciences. I am stoked!!
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